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Horizon ERP Integration

This article details the data points included in the Horizon to EvolutionX Sync

Andy Flint avatar
Written by Andy Flint
Updated over a week ago

General Sync Overview

The table below illustrates the direction of dataflow between Horizon and EvolutionX.

It is intended to be a high level overview with more detail given throughout the rest of the article.

Horizon Traders

EvolutionX Customers

Horizon Contacts

EvolutionX Users

Horizon Addresses

EvolutionX Addresses

Horizon Departments

EvolutionX Cost Centres

Horizon Customer Prices


EvolutionX Storefront Prices

Horizon Quantity Breaks


EvolutionX Quantity Breaks

Horizon Contracts

EvolutionX Contract Lists

Horizon (non Fusion) Products

EvolutionX Own Products

Horizon Contracts [optional]

EvolutionX Quick Lists

Horizon Order Pads [optional]

EvolutionX Quick Lists

Horizon Order History


EvolutionX Storefront

Horizon Account Balances


EvolutionX Storefront

Horizon Invoice History


EvolutionX Storefront

Horizon Frequently Ordered Items


EvolutionX Storefront


EvolutionX Orders

Features and Notes about the Horizon API Sync with EvolutionX

Scheduled and On Demand Sync of Records

The customers updated in Horizon will be sync'd to EvolutionX at the set time, or as requested by a Horizon users. Discuss the schedule and options with Horizon Software support. We would recommend setting this to continuous sync.

Customer Sync can also be performed on demand by clicking the run customers now button in Horizon. We would recommend setting this

Customer Accounts & Horizon Traders

  • Horizon → EvolutionX — The sync is one way which creates customers in EvolutionX but any customers created in EvolutionX do not become Traders in Horizon.

  • Horizon Trader RecordS and D type records are added and updated from Horizon. You can choose which are available for use on the website by choosing allow delivery and / or invoice options.

  • EvolutionX Parent Child Accounts — consult with your EvolutionX Customer Success team if you are already using EvolutionX and considering this change.

  • Horizon Account Manager — One Primary Account Manager is now updated on the customer Trader record in Horizon. Note that you must already have your Account Managers loaded in EvolutionX Settings . The name set in EvolutionX must match the Horizon account manager name.

  • Horizon Trader Ecom Status

    • Setting the Horizon trader ECOMM status to Credit Account Enabled will allow the customer to use 'On Account' in the EvolutionX Checkout.

    • Setting the Horizon trader ECOMM status to Credit Account Disabled will require the customer to use Credit Cards in the EvolutionX Checkout.

  • Horizon Departments → EvolutionX Cost Centres — The Horizon feature for Department maps to the EvolutionX cost centres. Note that cost centre restrictions is supported by the Horizon sync to EvolutionX.

Customer Users & Horizon Contacts

  • Horizon Contacts → EvolutionX (users) — The sync is one way and users created in EvolutionX do not become Horizon Contacts. Each contact should have: Allow web access selected, and a unique email address.

  • Creating Users from Horizon Contacts — All Horizon Contacts which are Web Enabled will be created and updated as users in EvolutionX. ** If the web enabled setting is disabled, the user will be set as a disabled user in EvolutionX and will not be able to use the website.***

    • The Horizon Contact Email is the Email used for the user in EvolutionX. Note that this must be a unique and valid email address. The EvolutionX username is not a supported field in the sync and can only be managed in the EvolutionX Admin.

  • Horizon Contact Names — Horizon has several name fields for each contact but the "Display Name" field is the only one that is used for the Name of the EvolutionX user.

  • Password — A password does not need to be set in Horizon

  • Order Roles for Users — Due to the support for Live Order History, which shows the full Order History from Horizon for the customer account, User Role settings for orders include these effects:

    • View Orders — This shows order history for the current user who is accessing on the storefront. It will only include orders from that user, using the user "Seller Reference" field.

    • View All Orders — This shows order history for the current customer account, it will include all orders from any storefront user or telephone order for that acc

Customer Addresses and Horizon Trader Addresses

  • Horizon → EvolutionX — The sync is one way so addresses created in EvolutionX do not become addresses in a Horizon Trader.

  • Active Addresses — Horizon addresses with S and D type records are added and updated from Horizon. You can choose which are available for use on the website by choosing allow delivery and / or invoice options. If an address is made unavailable in Horizon it will be disabled in EvolutionX.

  • New Addresses on Orders are not stored against the trade in Horizon.

    • Orders will have an Ad-Hoc address if the address doesn't match one stored in Horizon.

Horizon Products (non-Fusion products)

This is a one way sync were products created in Horizon can be pushed to the EvolutionX store.

Currently, only catalogues marked as Visible can be exported from Horizon to EvolutionX. Support for Private and Hidden catalogues is expected soon.

Contract Prices and Live Prices

Contract Pricing are sent as Price rules to EvolutionX daily or on request with a sync of 'item / product' deals 'Run Now' button. If customer prices are no longer being sync'd they will auto delete after the price rule expiration.

Live Pricing

Live Pricing can be enabled on EvolutionX to check pricing for all items that appear on a storefront page, in a contract or quick list and are added to cart. These prices are pulled directly from Horizon in real time. There is an option to show a quote price from this lookup.

Quick order supports adding offline products (products that don't exist on your online store). This allows any item that exists, in that customers contract in DDMS, to be added to the cart.

Live Pricing Including Quantity Breaks

Live quantity breaks can be enabled on EvolutionX to allow quantity breaks set in Horizon to be displayed and used on the storefront.

Contracts & Order Pads

Items set in Horizon Order pads and Contracts can also additionally sent as quick lists into EvolutionX. The quick lists created via the sync will be locked, and therefore controlled by Horizon rather than end user. This is controlled in settings in the export parameters in Horizon.

Web Order Processing

Credit Card Payments

  • CC payment methods can be used in EvolutionX. Horizon does not integrate with them but does note that the order is paid by CC as it processes the order. In EvolutionX set these payment methods as either:

  • Pre-auth and Charge Now — this setting fully charges the card during checkout and requires no manual steps unless a refund or additional charge is required.

  • Pre-auth and Capture on Dispatch — this setting requires manual steps staff must take to capture the payment otherwise the order may be shipped without payment.

  • Order Status Updates — Order status in EvolutionX is not shown to the customer since we use Live Lookup to Horizon to show the Horizon order status. EvolutionX does get limited update about order status of web orders so that loyalty/reward points can be allocated correctly. The EvolutionX Admin order statuses supported in the integration are as follows:

    • New Order — order is not yet sent to Horizon

    • On Hold — order was sent to Horizon but an error was returned, this should be reviewed by staff and either changed to "New Order", which triggers processing of the order to Horizon, changed to "In Progress" if the order did go into Horizon and is valid, or changed to "Cancelled" if the order is a duplicate or is not going to be processed.

    • In Progress — this is the status that EvolutionX sets the order to once it's been sent to Horizon.

    • Completed — once any shipment is made on an order it is set to Completed in EvolutionX by Horizon so that loyalty/rewards points can be allocated to the account. Any changes to the points balance because of cancelled items must be made manually by staff.

    • Cancelled — if the Horizon order has been marked as cancelled (not items shipped) then the EvolutionX order is marked as cancelled and the loyalty/rewards points are discarded.

Live Orders

The view of Evolution order on storefront is replaced with a live version. This provides the user with a full view of all orders on Horizon, either entered into Horizon directly or ordered via the storefront.

Live Account Balances and Invoices

Account balances and invoices are pulled directly from Horizon on request.

Live Frequently Purchased Items

Frequently Purchased Items module is replaced with the live version with the last 100 days of orders used to determine which products are displayed. This provides full control on the items display, read more here.

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