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Blog - FAQ

Frequently asked questions relating to the blog and post setup and usage.

Niall Diamond avatar
Written by Niall Diamond
Updated over a week ago

Have a review below for Blog FAQ. If you have another question, be sure to ask and we will add it to the list.


How do I setup my blog?

Check-out our Blog Setup Article.

Blog Featured Posts - widget

This widget is used to display groups of posts that you want to display to your customers in different areas of the site. This widget can be used on multiple different layouts. See how to use it... What are Post group and Containers?

Blog Latest Posts - widget

This widget will show your latest posts from across all blog categories. It can be used on multiple layouts including the blog homepage layout.

Blog Posts List - widget

This is the latest posts that are associated with a given category. Mostly this is used inside the blog category layout.

What are the Active from, Creation, Active to dates and how are they used?

Creation date: This is the date that you first created the post. It will be used as the published date on the storefront posts only if the post doesn't have an Active from date.

Active from date: This is used to determine the published date shown on the storefront. This also determines the sort order of the posts. You can use this to publish posts in the future.

Active to: This determines when the post will be unpublished. This is helpful for posts that are only available for a period of time.

What is a Sticky Post?

Sticky posts are handy way to "stick" important posts to the top of your Blog homepage.

What are Post group and Containers?

Post groups and containers allow you to create groups of posts that you want to show to your customers in different places on the storefront based on certain rules (Search keywords, Categories, Products, etc ). This works with the "Blog Featured Posts" widget.

Example: Let's say that you wanted to show your most popular furniture posts when a customer does a search for "office desks" on the storefront.

Create a group: Add your posts and the rule for Search keywords.

Create a container: Associate your group to the desks

Add the Feature Blog widget to the correct layout: Associate the Blog container to this widget. In this case we use the "Search result" layout as that will be the layout used when the customer searches "office desks".

See the results: Do a search on the storefront for "office desks"

Why aren't my products showing up on my blog post?

By default the Blog Post layout does not have the Products List widget added to the layout. Simply add the widget and your products will be displayed on your blog posts.

What is the recommended image sizes for Featured, Thumbnail, and Feature image mobile?

The height of the image is not as important but a recommended size would be no more than 3-400px high.

If you haven't made changes to your content width.

  • Featured Image: 1420px width

  • Thumbnail: Try to keep these square and with a 768px width

  • Feature image for mobile: 768px width

If you have made changes to your content width

  • Featured Image: The width of the content area or larger

  • Thumbnail: Try to keep these square and with a 768px width

  • Feature image for mobil: 768px width

Why is my blog category or blog homepage showing a 404?

When you create a blog category or blog homepage category for the first time, it may not show. This could be do to the "Hide empty categories" toggle. To get it to show simply go into your Catalog container and hit "Save". This will kick-off the process to find any new categories and get them indexed.

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