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Troubleshooting User Passwords
Marc McCall avatar
Written by Marc McCall
Updated over 10 months ago

Every now and then user passwords can become an issue, majority of the time they are end user issues vs system issues. No worries, here is how to identify them and deal with them as they arise.

โš ๏ธ Note: This is for you and your staff to use to assist in troubleshooting passwords and should not be send to your customers.

  1. Identify if the users account is enabled or disabled. If the account is disabled the login will not work and you'll need to work out internally why that account has been disabled. If it is not disabled continue with the following steps.

  2. Notify your customer they may see some password reset emails so you can perform the following tasks and they know it is you performing them.

  3. Open the user in edit mode in the EvoX admin, Reset a temporary password and take note of it. Before clicking the blue Reset Password button, toggle off the Email the password to this user.

  4. Navigate to the storefront and login as the user with the temporary password.

  5. Once you login with the temporary password you will pre prompted to enter a new password. Enter a new password and take note of it. Note: this will trigger an email to the user their password has been reset.

  6. Log back out of the storefront.

  7. Log back into the storefront with the new password you created.

  8. If successful login is achieved send the new password you your customer and ask them to login with those details.

  9. If the user is unsuccessful in logging in request they do a screen share with you.

  10. On the call with them ensure they are not using and expired temp password, their auto fill is not populating an outdated password and any installed browser extensions are not causing issued by temporarily disabling them.

  11. If issues still continue reach out to customer support via intercom so they can investigate.

You can additionally add the below scripts to the Footer Block in Theme Options to add a show/hide password checkbox so users can validate the password being entered is what is expected and not an older outdated password from their personal device password manager.

//This adds an attr("id", "evoxtypepass"); to the password field for the second script to point to based on the checkbox status and adds the checkbox and show password text.
$("#loginModal > div > div > div.modal-body > form > div.form-group.relative > div > input").attr("id", "evoxtypepass");
$('#loginModal > div > div > div.modal-body > form > div.form-group.relative > div').after('<input type="checkbox" onclick="Toggle()"> Show Password');
// Changes the type of input to password or text based on checkbox status
function Toggle() {
var temp = document.getElementById("evoxtypepass");
if (temp.type === "password") {
temp.type = "text";
else {
temp.type = "password";

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