Product categorization is key when it comes to helping your customers find the products they require. Setting this up on your EvolutionX store could not be any easier!
Simply click on Categories, then 'Active Category Vertical'. You will now get to choose which managed content category vertical you would like to apply to your store;
Hey presto - you now have full product categorization!
Setting Up your Own Categories
You can now create your own custom categories with multiple levels and assign your own products to them. To achieve this, you can either:
Click on Add Category and give your Category a name. If you wish to Edit or Add Subcategory, select this icon βοΈ and you'll be able to add more levels. You will then see that individual ID'S will be generated for your categories & subcategories, which will be handy when adding products into that category.
Or, you can Import Categories through our template. ID'S are necessary here; if you want to create multiple levels, you must keep note of the parent category ID.
Category Field Notes
Name: The name used on the storefront for this category.
β οΈ Names can be changed by simply changing the Name field. You can do this for Own or Managed categories alike. Many dealers change Root categories to names like Shop All or Shop All Categories along with the URL field noted below. Changing the name is also reflected in browser tabs.
URL Key (slug): The name used to create the URL for the store. This is automatically added as an SEO friendly URL key based on the Category Name. We recommend the default value is used.
β οΈ URL's can be changed by simply changing the URL key field. You will be prompted to add a redirect when doing so, just confirm Yes, add redirect in the dialog modal when asked. You can do this for Own or managed categories alike.
Start (optional): The date the category should begin showing. Leave this blank unless you do not want the category to be available before this date.
End (optional): The date the category should stop showing (inclusive). Leave this blank unless you do not want the category to be available after this date.
Upload Category Image: We recommend uploading a small image to represent the category in list views.
Status: Enable or disable this category. If toggled on then the category will be available on the storefront.
Article Content: When toggled on, this will allow the category to show on the storefront even if the store is configured to hide empty categories and this category has no products. Use the Description field for the article content. Note that this is not part of the Blog feature.
Supplier Reference: A third-party category ID used by the supplier of the taxonomy. When a distributor or wholesaler is providing a taxonomy, they can use this field to store their own category IDs in EvolutionX. An example is when a Distributor has their own categories from their ERP, this field is used as the ERP Category ID. This helps to map products and categories between an ERP and EvolutionX. The API endpoint GET /categories can be used to read the EvolutionX category using this ERP ID using the query parameter "supplier_reference".
Supplier Parent Reference: Similar to the Supplier Reference above, this is a third-party category ID of the parent category used by the supplier of the taxonomy. The API endpoint GET /categories can be used to read the EvolutionX category using this ERP ID using the query parameter "supplier_parent_reference".
Description: Text and HTML content to show on the category page view.
Meta Information: Optional content for search engines including Title, Description and Keywords. Note that template data will be used from store settings if blank. We recommend using the store settings and only using these fields to specifically override the content if you require it.
Category Settings
A default category layout is set. Change the category layout when a specific layout is needed for a category. Use the link to Manage Layouts to create new layouts for categories.
Category Products
Add products to the category and set them as enabled or disabled. Only enabled products will be shown in the category. This sets the category in the "additional categories" for the products listed.
Delete Category
Use this to delete the category. If used accidentally data may be lost, contact the customer success team for assistance.