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Recurring Orders

Storefront customers can setup recurring / timed orders / scheduled orders using the Recurring order module

Andrei Micael de Sa Boulter avatar
Written by Andrei Micael de Sa Boulter
Updated over a week ago

In today's digital era, efficiency is paramount. Enter 'Recurring Orders' - a feature allowing users to automate their purchases at their chosen frequency. No more manual reorders or forgotten items. With this new feature, users can set, forget, and still get their essentials on time.

👍 Important: Swaps are not currently supported with recurring orders.

EvoAdmin Setup

1. How to enable Recurring Orders

'Store Settings > General > Store Preferences > Order settings'

Here, you'll find a toggle for 'Recurring Orders'.

  • On means that all accounts will have access to recurring orders

  • Off means that all accounts will not have access to recurring orders

  • On/Off Override can be set at an Account level. See "Configure Access to Recurring Orders" below

'Number of days between Order Creation and User Requested delivery date', This is the number of days that you need to source and deliver the goods. Thus, if the expected delivery date is Dec 15th and you need 14 days to source and deliver the goods, then set this field to 14. The order will then be created on Dec 1st with the expected delivery date of Dec 15th.

2. Configure Access to Recurring Orders

User Roles

Important Roles Setup: All roles, even custom roles, have recurring orders on by default. If you have customers who you will enable recurring orders for and user roles who should not have access to recurring orders, please update the exception user roles before activating Recurring Orders feature for those customer.

When you use the store and customer settings to enable recurring orders it will be on by default for all user roles. If you don't want a user role to have full access to recurring orders, but the customer does have access, then adjust the roles as follows:

  • Navigate to 'Customers', then click on 'Roles'

  • For each role, you'll have the ability to change specific permissions concerning Recurring Orders. These permissions include:

    • View: Allows the role to see the recurring orders but not make changes.

    • Add: Grants the ability to create new recurring orders and edit existing orders

    • Delete: Bestows the power to remove recurring orders.


'Customers > Accounts > Store Preferences > Order settings'

Here, each account will have an individual toggle for 'Recurring Orders'. Click on the account you wish to configure and then proceed to 'Edit'. Scroll down to find the 'Recurring Order Permissions' section.

By default, this toggle is set to 'Inherit from Store Preferences.' This means if the store preference 'Enable Recurring Orders for all customers' is enabled, it will apply to this account as well. Admins can choose to override this default setting for specific accounts by manually selecting on or off in the drop down.

Note that all user roles, even custom ones, are enable for recurring orders by default.

3. Setup Payment Gateways for Recurring Orders:

'Store Settings > Payment Methods'.

Within each payment gateway's settings, you'll find a toggle labeled 'Available for Recurring Orders'.

Toggle this on to activate that particular payment gateway for recurring orders. This ensures that when customers opt for recurring orders, they can utilize the payment methods you've deemed appropriate.

4. Understanding & Navigating Recurring Orders

Viewing and Editing Recurring Orders

Once you've set up the feature as a store admin, and as a user decides to take advantage of the Recurring Orders convenience, each recurring order created becomes a reservoir of important information. To navigate to the Recurring Orders:

  • Go to 'Orders'.

  • Click on the 'Recurring Orders' tab.

Here, you'll see a list of all Recurring Orders, by clicking into a specific recurring order, you gain insights into its various aspects. Here's a breakdown of what you'll encounter:

  • Status: This displays the current status of the recurring order. It can show if the order or active, paused, giving you a quick overview of where the order stands.

  • Next Delivery Date: This tells you when the customer expects their next delivery.

  • Frequency: This indicates how often the order recurs. Whether it's set for every week, month, or a custom duration, it helps in gauging the periodicity of the order.

  • Next 5 Expected Delivery Dates: A forward-looking feature, this shows the projected delivery dates for the next five instances of the recurring order. This aids in planning and ensuring that deliveries align with the user's expectations.

  • Products: Here you can see a list of all products that are part of this recurring order. It gives clarity on what exactly is included every time the order is placed.

  • Payment Methods: This section displays the saved card or payment method being used for the recurring order, ensuring transparency in transactions.

  • Order History: A comprehensive log of all previous instances of this recurring order. It's a quick way to review past orders, see what was included, and verify transaction details.

  • Timeline of Events: This is a chronological record of actions taken on this specific recurring order. From edits to pauses, any modification or event related to this order will be recorded here. It's a helpful tool for tracking changes and understanding the history of the order.

Even after a recurring order is set up, it's not set in stone. As an admin, by clicking 'Edit' you have the flexibility to make necessary adjustments to better serve your customers or to align with operational changes. You'll be able to edit the Status, Next Order Date, Frequency, add/remove Products and Payment Methods.

🔥 Important: Available payment methods will depend on the users saved cards and whether the respective gateways are 'Available for Recurring Orders'. Refer to Step 3.

Create a New Recurring Order in Admin

Admins are not limited to just managing existing recurring orders. You can proactively set up new ones to cater to specific customer needs or promotional strategies.

From scratch

  • In 'Orders', look for the tab labeled 'New Recurring Order' and click on it.

  • Here, you'll see a form, you must fill the necessary details:

    • Select the Account or User.

    • Set the frequency and start order date.

    • Add the products.

    • Select the payment method, Remember, recurring orders can only be set up using the customer's saved payment methods to ensure security and consistency.

  • Once you've filled out all necessary details and ensured everything is correct, simply click on the 'Create Recurring Order' button.

From an existing Order:

  • Go to 'Orders'.

  • Click on the 'Orders' tab.

  • Here, you'll see a list of all orders.

  • Click on the order you wish to make recurring.

  • Click on 'Create Recurring Order'.

  • You'll be greeted by a modal, in which you need to enter the Frequency and Start Order Date.

  • Finally click on the 'Create Recurring Order' button, you should then be taken to your new recurring order view.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create new recurring orders, offering your customers a seamless and convenient shopping experience, while also potentially securing consistent sales for your store.

ERP Checkout Integrations with Recurring Orders

The checkout integrations are checked when we generate an order from a Recurring Order Schedule. It is essential to check your specific integration and use cases before enabling this feature for customers to use.

ERP Integrations to Test

Testing integrations with your ERP (including DDMS, TIMS, and others) will be specific to your ERP and customer requirements. Some of the integrations you may have and want to test include:

  • Customer lookup of Address during recurring order setup in storefront.

  • Customer lookup of PO required

  • Taxes & fees lookup to the ERP on creating a new order from the recurring order.

  • Customer order fails payment, status, credit limit, budget, or past due checks.

Note that any new order created from a schedule, that fails validation, will be stopped notified to the distributor (customer is not notified). The Distributor needs to notify the customer about the order as needed.

Success and Failed Orders Created from a Recurring Order Schedule

Orders are created based on the recurring order schedule. Doing so creates a new quote/cart/basket record which then goes through several validation steps, including ERP integration if enabled.

Recurring Order Success Creates a New Order

Once order validation checks, including ERP integration, are passed then the order is created.

An order created from a recurring order schedule will:

  • The order will be created and appear in order history.

  • An order confirmation email will be sent to the customer.

  • In Admin the order header and list views will show the recurring order ID which created the order.

Recurring Order Fails Validation Checks

When the scheduler tries to create the order it starts with a copy of the quote/basket/cart from the recurring order. It then runs validation checks and can fail the order if any validation check fails.

Validation checks include:

When any order validation check fails:

  • the order is not created

  • the distributor receives and email notifying them that the order could not be created, the customer doesn't receive an email.

When order payment fails:

  • the order is created with an "On Hold" order status.

  • the customer doesn't receive an email except where the card payment method fails, where they can update their payment card details.

Email Templates

The following email templates are related to Recurring orders (other than standard order email templates):

  • Record order paused — sent when a user pauses the recurring order schedule

  • Recurring order payment failure — notifies the customer if the card payment method fails so that the payment card can be updated

  • Recurring order validation failure (to dealer) — notifies the dealer of an order creation fails due to a validation error. No email is sent to the customer.



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