Price Category | Product Category | Explanation
A | Office Products | Lowest Margin potentially higher volume lines
B | Office Products | Middle Margin reasonable volume but not very fastest
C | Office Products | Middle to Higher Margin – Lower volume than B
D | Office products | Highest Margin –Low volume lines or very low cost lines where high margin is only small monetary value |
E | EOS – OEM Branded | OEM Ink and Toner products – separately categorised as margin expectations differ widely for this category |
F | Furniture fast moving | Furniture items that are typically fast movers |
M | Office Machines | Business machines – Shredders, Binders, Laminators, Labelling (NB Not Printers) |
O | JanSan Catering Workwear TOP | Top 20% of JanSan, Catering and Workwear (currently in cat A) |
P | JanSan Catering Workwear Other | Remaining JanSan, Catering and Workwear (currently in cat B, C or D) |
R | EOS - Remanufactured | Remanufactured Toner Cartridges |
T | Technology | Highly sensitive products where we recommend you review closely your requirements |
V | ValueX lines – fast movers | Value range products that are fast movers |
W | ValueX lines – slow movers | Value range products that are slower movers and could attract more margin |
X | Excluded Product | Products that do not fit any category that will need individual consideration |
Written by Liam Cadle
Updated over a month ago