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User On Account Status and User Allowance
User On Account Status and User Allowance

Set a user's ability to buy on account or allow staff to buy personal equipment and work-from-home gear on a company account up to a limit.

Séamus Diamond avatar
Written by Séamus Diamond
Updated over a week ago

User Settings to enable access for the user to buy "on account" for the customer.

User On Account Status

The customer account has an on account payment status which determines if orders can be placed on-account. The user on-account status determines if a user can use the on-account payment method and to what level.

Use Cases by Status Type

On Account Status Type

Use Cases

Enabled — Default. User can buy on account.

  • Staff buying supplies on behalf of the company.

Allowance Limit — User can buy on account up to the limit set, after which a credit card or debit card is required for any purchases or amounts above this limit.

  • Staff can buy work-from-home equipment up to the allowed limit.

  • Staff buying personal protective equipment for work up to the allowed limit.

Disabled — User cannot buy on account but can purchase with a credit card or debit card.

  • Staff buying for themselves but benefitting from account pricing.

  • Staff required to purchase using a company issued payment card.

Default User Account Status

When a user is created it gets an on-account status of Enabled. This means they can buy on account but are still subject to the credit enabled status of the customer account. If the customer account isn't enabled for on account purchases then the user won't see the on account payment option at checkout.

If a user's on-account status is set to Allowance Limit, it allows the user to buy on account up to the limit specified until the expiration date. Above this limit or after this date requires an alternate payment method, such as a Credit Card. The Allowance Limit setting also enables messaging in the cart and checkout to indicate the amount remaining (see below).

If the user's on account status is set to disabled, the user will not be able to place orders using the on account payment method and must use another payment method such as a Credit Card. No additional messaging is displayed to the user.

User Allowance Messaging

Messaging will be automatically applied for the following use cases but you can also customise the messaging to suit your needs. If no value is listed for the messages than the following defaults apply.

Storefront User Allowance Cart & Checkout Messages

In the cart, and the cart summary of the checkout, one of two messages is shown when a user allowance limit is set. One is for when a balance remains and the other is shown if there is no balance remaining

Storefront User Allowance Payment Messages

In the checkout payment method step, messaging will indicate what will be paid, deducted from the Allowance, and remaining on the Allowance.

Email Messaging

No specific messaging is supported in emails for the user allowance feature.

Customizing Allowance Limit Messages

When using the User On-Account as "Allowance Limit" messaging will appear in the account dashboard, cart, and checkout automatically, but you can also customise the messaging if required. Empty values means that the default messages will apply.

The following are default messages which can be copied to begin customising your own messaging.

Admin Label

Storefront Criteria

Default Message Used

Cart Message Balance Available

Displayed with the cart summary in the cart and checkout f to indicate the Allowance remaining.

Shown if all are true:

  • User On-account Status is "Allowance limit"

  • Remaining Allowance is greater than 0

  • Allowance Expiration date is not in the past.

Your spending allowance is {allowance.remaining} and expires on {allowance.expires}. Additional spending can be paid with a Credit Card.

Cart Message No Balance Available

Displayed with the cart summary in the cart and checkout views to indicate that no Allowance remains.

Shown if all are true:

  • User On-account Status is "Allowance limit"

  • Remaining Allowance is 0 or Allowance Expiration date is in the past.

No spending allowance available. Orders can be paid with a Credit Card.

Checkout Payment Amount Message

Line 1 in the payment methods other than the On Account to indicate the amount that will be paid using this method.

Shown if true:

  • User On-account Status is "Allowance limit"

This payment method will be charged {allowance.charge}.

Checkout Payment Balance Message

Line 2 in the payment methods other than the On Account to indicate the remaining user allowance after payment.

Shown if all are true:

  • User On-account Status is "Allowance limit"

  • Remaining Allowance is greater than 0

  • The order total is greater than the Allowance remaining.

Your spending allowance will be deducted by {allowance.deducted} leaving you with {allowance.remaining_after_order}.

On Account Payment Message

Line 1 in the On Account payment method to indicate the amount to be deducted from the Allowance remaining.

Shown if true:

  • User On-account Status is "Allowance limit"

{allowance.deducted} will be deducted from your allowance.

On Account Balance Message

Line 2 in the On Account payment method to indicate the Allowance remaining once the order is placed.

Shown if true:

  • User On-account Status is "Allowance limit"

Your spending allowance will be {allowance.remaining_after_order}.

Variables Supported in Allowance Messaging

Messaging in the Cart and Cart Summary of Checkout supports these variables:

  • {allowance.remaining} — The amount remaining in allowance.

  • {allowance.expires} — The expiration date of the allowance remaining. The date is the last day which the allowance remaining can be used.

Messaging in the Payment Methods of the Checkout

  • {allowance.remaining} — The amount remaining in allowance.

  • {allowance.expires} — The expiration date of the allowance remaining. The date is the last day which the allowance remaining can be used.

  • {allowance.order_total} — The total amount for the order.

  • {allowance.deducted} — The amount to be deducted from the current allowance for the order when placed.

  • {allowance.charge} — The amount to be charged on the selected payment method.

  • {allowance.remaining_after_order} — The allowance remaining after the order is placed.

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