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Google Customer Reviews

Learn how to setup Google customer reviews with your Google Merchant Center Account ( Google Shopping ).

Niall Diamond avatar
Written by Niall Diamond
Updated over a week ago

The Google Customer Reviews is a feature add-on that works with Google Merchant Center. It provides a popup to your customer that encourages them to add reviews of your service and company. 

See them in the wild below

Before you get started - Requirements

How much does it cost?

It's a free service that Google provides through the Google merchant center.

How does it work?

First your customer checks-out on your website. On the "Thank You" page ( after checkout ) your customer will get a popup like the below. 

When they click "Yes", they will get an email from Google with the survey/review. 

Then...Each customer's review is sent to Google and Google builds a review profile for your website. After 100 reviews are posted you can see your rating on a page or using your Google Badge. 

Setup Google Customer Reviews

Here are the steps to get it setup. Look further down for more info on Step 2, Step 4, and Step 5. We will go into detail to help make it easy. 

  1. Sign in to your Merchant Center account (or sign up if you do not have an account).

  2. Select “Merchant Center programs” from the dropdown in the upper right-hand corner.

  3. Click “Get Started” in the Google Customer Reviews card and accept the Program Agreement.

  4. Add the survey opt-in code to your website.

  5. [Optional] Add the badge code to your site wherever you want. This will make the badge appear on your site, allowing you to display your seller rating and show customers that you’re integrated with Google Customer Reviews.

Step 2 : Enable it in the Merchant Center Programs

Step 4.0 : Add the survey opt-in code to your website

Copy & Paste the below into your "Footer Block" in Admin >> Appearances >> Theme Options

<!-- BEGIN GCR Opt-in Module Code -->
<script src=""
async defer>

// added by evoX
if(window.location.pathname === '/checkout/thank-you'){
         // Get the User Email
         const getEmail = () => {
            if(EvoXLayer() !== null && EvoXLayer() !== ''){
                return EvoXLayer();      
            } else {
                return document.querySelector('p > strong').textContent;

        // Add the estimated delivery - added by evoX
        const date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);

        let tomorrow = date.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2);

        // Get the transaction id
        function findOrderID() {
            window.dataLayer.forEach((element)=> {
                return orderIDPosition = window.dataLayer.indexOf(element);

const orderId = window.dataLayer[orderIDPosition].transactionId;

    window.renderOptIn = function() {
        window.gapi.load('surveyoptin', function() {

            // REQUIRED
            "merchant_id": 123456,
            "order_id": orderId,
            "email": getEmail(),
            "delivery_country": "GB",
            "estimated_delivery_date": tomorrow,


<!-- END GCR Opt-in Module Code -->
<!-- BEGIN GCR Language Code -->
  window.___gcfg = {
    lang: 'en_GB'
<!-- END GCR Language Code -->

Step 4.1 : Add your unique details 

In your footer block, change the below part of the code to your correct merchant number and delivery country.

"merchant_id": 123456,
"delivery_country": "GB",

  • Replace the "123456" with your Merchant id. 

  • The delivery country should be either GB, IE, or US

Change the below

<!-- BEGIN GCR Language Code -->
  window.___gcfg = {
    lang: 'en_GB'
  • the en_GB should be that or en_US

Find my Merchant ID 

👍 Estimated Delivery Date

We default it to Next Day. However, you can change it to 2 day, 3 days, or more. To increase the number of days simply edit the line below in your footer block. Google only excepts 1 estimated delivery date. 

For example, If I wanted to change my estimated delivery from 1 day to 3 days. 

Change this 

date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1)
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 3)

Step 5 : Add the badge code to your site  [ Optional ] 

Remember this is an optional step that you might choose to do later or until you build up enough reviews. 

What the badge looks like in the wild

👍 Important: Your Google Customer Reviews badge will state “Rating not available” in lieu of a rating (i.e. the numerical value and star rating). A minimum of 100 reviews is required to establish a seller rating in a particular country.

Add the badge opt-in code to your website

Copy & Paste the below into your "Footer Block" in Admin >> Appearances >> Theme Just below the last code snippet you added above. 

<!-- BEGIN GCR Badge Code -->
<script src=""
  async defer>

  window.renderBadge = function() {
    var ratingBadgeContainer = document.createElement("div");
      window.gapi.load('ratingbadge', function() {
          ratingBadgeContainer, {
            // REQUIRED
            "merchant_id": MERCHANT_ID,
<!-- END GCR Badge Code -->

👍 Make sure to replace the "MERCHANT_ID" with your correct id

🏝 That's It, now do a test order to see it in action 🏝

Google Customer Ratings FAQ

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