Learn about the body class over here. The full list are below as a reference. To see the exact details you will need to use your browser console on the page you are targeting.
Added to all pages
Account id - e.g. "ex-a123456"
User id - e.g. "ex-u12345"
Theme schema - e.g. "ex-schema-default "
Customer Labels - e.g. "ex-l-45" the number refers to the id of the label.
Customer Role ids - e.g. ex-r-1045
Home - e.g. (This lets you know you are on the homepage)
Product page
Name of the product
Catalog id of the product - e.g. ex-catalog-1008
Category of the product
Product page - e.g. "ex-product" (This lets you know you are on a product page)
Product Labels - e.g. "l-45" the number refers to the id of the label.
Configurable products - We have one to identify it is configurable and another if it is also a master product. "ex-product-configurable" and "ex-product-master"
Category page
Name of the category
Category page - e.g. "ex-category" (This lets you know you are on a category page)
Content page
Name of the page
Content page - e.g. "ex-content" (This lets you know you are on a contnet page)