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Using Item Priority Feature

How to set which items appear first on your storefront

Claire Freeman avatar
Written by Claire Freeman
Updated over a week ago

Your Preferred Item First!

Your store is powered by Fusion data, so you have many catalogs to choose from and potentially thousands of items to promote on your store.

What if you want one (or a few of these) to be top of the search results? This isn't a problem with our clever Item Priority feature 👍 

Promote an Item

To set this up just head into Products > Select Products again > Click the Product Code  > Product Details.

Within this section, you will see a field titled Priority (0 = highest priority, 1000 = lowest priority).  No value (null) is treated as a normal item and thus is below any prioritized item.

How Does Prioritization Work?

The item priority value drives the positioning of this item relative to other item priorities in both Search results and Category results.

e.g. If item code #ABC has a priority of 0 and item code #DEF has a priority of 1, #ABC will display ahead of #DEF because it has higher priority.  Both will appear above items with no priority value.

When you view the Category that this item is in, you will see it display according to your priority. In this example, I have made the above item the highest priority so it will appear first in the category results.

Note: this priority feature applies to Category and Search Layouts. 

👍ProTip: Use priorities sparingly as they will override search relevance. This means that when a customer searches for something on your store, the store will return a list of results. If your priority item exists anywhere in the returned results, it will be prioritized over all other items in the results list, even when other items may be more relevant to what the user was searching. Example: If you prioritise a Desk that is coffee coloured and your customer searches for "Coffee", it is possible the system might return the desk over packets of coffee beans. This is because the desk was in the list of returned results for items that contain the word "Coffee". 

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