Making your web store a really nice experience is so very important and every extra little thing you can do to help your customers will keep them coming back time after time!Β
We can easily help your customers checkout faster and easier by adding in a post code finder. Adding the post code finder means they won't have to enter each and every line of their address. They'll just enter their post code and click on the correct one! βοΈ
So lets get started!
How to install
Step 1
Visit and click the 'Get API key button'. You'll need to enter your email address and they'll send you the token key required.
Step 2
Pop into your EvolutionX admin panel and go the App Store and find the getAddress() App. Simply copy and paste the APi key they've emailed you into the box and click Save!
That's the job done! The postcode finer is now installed and ready to go. π