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Brand Merchandizing

Adding a brand carousel to your webstore!

Liam Cadle avatar
Written by Liam Cadle
Updated over a week ago

Want to showcase your brand partners on your webstore!  Easy!

To create a brand carousel, we will utilize the Brand widget.  This widget can be positioned anywhere in the store, but for this example lets use the home page.

💡 Note:  While not directly related, I would recommend taking the time to read the Banner Carousel article as we will be using exactly the same process to create our brand carousel.

Add the Brand widget to your layout.

Step 1

Create your brand group - Marketing > Brand Groups

Missing a brand image?  No worries - from the brand list, simply click on the pencil icon to edit and upload your own brand image.  We recommend your image is 500 x 500 pxl for the best results.

💡 Note: - Make sure you save your brand list before proceeding

Step 2

Create your brand container - Marketing > Brand Containers

💡 Note:  Once you have created your container, simply associate your brand group with it.

Step 3

Finally, associate your Brand Container with the Brand Widget - Appearance > Layouts > Home Page

Within the Brand Widget, you can control the display settings.  For instance, under type you can choose to display your products as a carousel or grid.

You can also add some formatting by choosing to center the items, add a border and add vertical lines.

How does it look?  Have a peek for yourself!

👍 Pro Tip:  The brand images will link your customer directly to the full product listing for the given brand - pretty cool eh!

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