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Item/Product Merchandising

Create a product list and format as a carousel, grid or list!

Claire Freeman avatar
Written by Claire Freeman
Updated over 12 months ago

Why not showcase a range of promotional products on your website to drive sales on products your customers don't know you sell?

To create an item carousel, we will utilize the Item Merchandising widget.  This widget can be positioned anywhere in the store, but for this example lets use the home page.

💡 Note:  While not directly related, I would recommend taking the time to read the Banner Carousel article as we will be using exactly the same process to create our item merchandizing.

Step 1

Create your item group - Marketing > Item Groups.

Give it a name and hit 'Save'.  You can also set start and end dates here - useful if you only want to show a bunch of product on the storefront for a set period of time.

After hitting 'Save', you'll now have to add products to the group.  You can either import the products using a spreadsheet import routine or you can add items one by one using the '+' button annotated below:  

**Note - For product carousels or grids on the homepage, only a maximum of 14 products will be displayed.**

After clicking the '+' button, you'll have to search for the product code you want and then press 'Save' to add it to the group:

Rinse and repeat the above steps to continue adding product to the group.  There are a maximum of 25 Items that will display on the store-front.

When you are finished, ensure you click the blue 'Save Product List' button and then click the main 'Save' button at the top right of the screen:

Step 2

Create your item container - Marketing > Item Containers

Press '+New Item Container' and name the container - always a good idea to name it the same as your product group.  Hit save and the following screen will appear:

Click on the Container you've just created.  We are now going to associate the group to the container:

Search for the group you've just created and associate to the container:

Click 'add' then click 'Save.

Step 3

Finally, associate your Item Container with the Item Merchandising Widget - Appearance > Layouts > Home Page

You'll find the Item Merchandising widget at the bottom of the layout.  Click and drag it up into the content block:

Within the Item Merchandising Widget, you can now control the display settings.  Click on the little cog symbol on the widget.  You can now choose different options for the product carousel/grid: 

⚠️- If making a carousel, be sure not to check "Horizontal lines (grid only)"

Save Changes and then hit Save and Publish and voila!

Finally, the best bit - lets see it in action on the home page!


How can I ask the "add to cart" to the "Item merchandising" widget

Open your widget on Admin and click on the "Show Detailed information" checkbox

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