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Getting Paid - Setting up Paypal

You've sold some products, so let's take a payment!

Andy Flint avatar
Written by Andy Flint
Updated over 3 years ago

When you've sold some products, it's really important you can take payment for these and one of the easiest ways to do this is via PayPal. It's a well recognized way to pay so your customers will feel confident using this method and will be less likely to skip away from finalizing the purchase.

You'll be pleased that we've made it super easy to set this up via our App Store.

Step 1

Go to the admin panel > app store and select PayPal Express Checkout

Step 2

We're going to assume that you already have a PayPal account, but it not head over to and register for an account.

Visit and sign in using the button over on the top right

⚠️Note: The first time you log in PayPal developer, it will be setting stuff up, so you'll just need wait a few moments. May be time to grab a coffee?! ☕

Step 3

At the top of the page, click on 'Live' and the click on 'Create App':

Step 4

Give the app a name eg My EvoX Store and then hit Create App:

You'll then see a reeeeeeeeeeally long Client ID generated.

Step 5

Simply copy the Client ID from your PayPal dashboard and paste it into your admin panel PayPal App. Don't forget to hit Save

You can now pop into Store Settings > Payment Methods and activate Paypal using the 'Enabled' toggle.

💡Top Tip: If needed, you can edit the name of this payment method by selecting 'settings' and changing the title. This name will be seen as your customer checks out and chooses their payment method.

⚠️Note: If you get an error message when trying checkout using paypal please ensure you're using the live client ID (not sandbox) when the app is set to Live in admin panel.

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