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Product Pricing

Setup your sell prices using multiple methods πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²

Liam Cadle avatar
Written by Liam Cadle
Updated over a week ago

EvolutionX allows you to set your sell prices to customers using a number of different methods.
To start things off, click on Pricing, then + New Pricing.
Give your pricing rule a name, start date and end date. Using the drop down menu, select who you want to apply your pricing to.

Once you have clicked on Save, you will now be presented with your 'Pricing by' options. Β 

Simply select which 'Pricing by' option you would like to use (product, band, category, brand or mailer). Matrix price rules are those that apply to the band, category, brand or mailer and Item price rules apply to items by SKU.

Adding Price Rules

Within each of these options, you can select which method of pricing you would like to apply;

Simply enter the required value into the 'value' field and your pricing should now be live! Β Happy days! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Types of Price Rules

A Matrix rule or Item rule can be set as one of the following types:

  • Discount off list price β€”Β a percentage reduction from the list price

  • Markup β€” a percentage markup from cost price (cost price must be provided for the item).

  • Margin β€” a percentage margin from cost price (cost price must be provided for the item)

  • Call for Price β€” Show call for price instead of a price. Note that where the rule applies this type will override live price.

  • Quote Me β€” Enable the quote me feature instead of a price. Note that where the rule applies this type will override live price.

Import Pricing

Should you wish to upload pricing in bulk, you can use the import method. Just click on the button shown below, download the template and fill in the excel Spreadsheet.

These are the columns which you will have to fill in. If you need help with filling in your imports, please refer to this article.

Column C 'Method' should have a numerical value that matches the way you want to price an item. Method numbers are as follows:

Import Method:

  • 1 Fixed Price

  • 2 % Discount off RRP

  • 3 % Markup

  • 4 % Margin

  • 5 Call for Price

  • 6 Quote Me

Note: Currently, you can only import pricing against items.

Pricing completed! πŸ’― πŸ’―

Below is a graphic that may depict a normal pricing structure and rule priorities.

  • Bronze, Silver and Gold, are assigned to designated customers while the global would price guests and potentially anyone not in the other 3 plans. Gold plan the customer price is very good, and you make less margin while the global rule is for the general public and you’re making a bit more margin.

  • Contract pricing is customer specific though they could potentially be shared across different customers.

  • Promotion, pricing may be seasonal great deals offered by MFG everyone benefits from

  • Price overrides, self-explanatory.

  • Extra level could be used when supply chain issues occur such as during covid. Here you could put products at call for price when needed while leaving all other price rules in place so pricing can resume when supply chain issues resolve.


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