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DDMS User Role Permissions

Customize DDMS Rules Using User Permissions

Pedro Pinto avatar
Written by Pedro Pinto
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The DDMS Module within User Roles empowers administrators to override default rules, such as item swaps, budget checks, credit checks, and past-due checks. This feature allows permissions to be customized allowing more granular control over the settings coming directly from the ERP.

​DDMS settings in user roles

Alternate/Substitute Settings

In DDMS, there is a user setting that allows you to override global item swap rules. This enables you to customize any item type with your preferred swap type

  • Reference: The 'reference' alternate type is used to designate reference-only items. These are items that you do not sell directly but instead sell an alternate item in place of the original. The preset code for this alternate is 'R'. When a customer requests an item you do not sell, which is similar to an item you do sell, you can set up an alternate item for the reference-only item. The original item cannot be placed on an order, and if an order-writer attempts to order the original, the system suggests the specified alternate. This type of alternate is used when wholesalers identify the product differently.

  • Discontinued: The 'discontinued' type reference is an alternate type code used to designate a replacement item for an item that is no longer available from a vendor and/or is no longer in stock. The preset code for this alternate is 'D'.

  • Reference If No On-Hand: The 'Reference if No On-Hand' alternate type is used to designate items to sell unless no on-hand quantities exist. The preset code for this alternate is 'O'. When this type of alternate is used, the system does not prompt the order-writer to use the alternate unless there are no on-hand quantities of the original item. If there are no on-hand quantities, the original item cannot be placed on the order, and the order-writer must accept the alternate or retrieve a different item. If there are any on-hand quantities, the original item cannot be placed on the order, and the order-writer must accept the alternate or retrieve a different item. If there are any on-hand quantities, the original item can be placed on the order and can be backordered.

  • Generic: The 'Generic' alternate type reference is used to fill an order with a generic item using the price of the original item. When you create an order using the original item number, you can accept the alternate. If you accept the item, the price from the original is used. The preset code for this alternate is 'G'.

  • Customer-specific: The 'Customer-specific' alternate type reference is used to substitute an alternate item for a specific customer. This type allows you to designate an alternate item that will be used specifically for certain customers when ordering. The preset code for this alternate is 'C'. This means that when a customer places an order for the original item, the system will automatically substitute the specified alternate item for that customer.

  • Substitute: The 'Substitute' alternate type is used to designate a different item that you would prefer to sell. This type of alternate is only used if the items are comparable. When you assign this type of substitute alternate to an item, the order-writer can accept the substitute when the original item is retrieved in Order Entry. The preset code for this alternate is 'S'.

  • Preferred: The 'Preferred' alternate type reference is used to designate a different item that you prefer to sell. When the original item is ordered, the system automatically replaces it with the preferred item. The original item number is displayed along with information such as company, description, contract, discount information, selling price, list price, unit of measure, on-hand quantities, pricing cost, average cost, and gross profit percentage. The order-writer can accept the replacement or return to the original item. This alternate type has no preset code, and a code must be assigned before it can be used. Codes Y, N, or a blank space should not be used as they are reserved for other types of alternates so we recommend using the code 'P'.

  • Like: The 'Like Item Sub' alternate type automatically displays a list of all the substitutions when an item is set up with one or more substitutions. It shows the selling price, gross profit percentage, and on-hand quantities for each substitute item. For comparison purposes, this information is also displayed for the original item. This alternate type has no preset code, and we recommend using the code 'L'.

User Role Overrides

  • Override Budget Hold: The 'Override Budget Hold' permission allows the order to flow normally by ignoring the hold process for over budget amounts. This means that even if an order exceeds the budget, it will not be placed on hold and can proceed as usual.

  • Override Overdue Hold: The 'Override Overdue Hold' permission allows the order to flow normally by bypassing the hold process for overdue credit limits. This means that even if an order surpasses the credit limit, it will not be placed on hold and can proceed as usual.

  • Override Past Due Hold: The 'Override Past Due Hold' permission allows the order to flow normally by bypassing the hold process for accounts marked as past due. This means that even if an account exceeds the specified number of days for being past due, the order will not be placed on hold and can proceed as usual.

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